

How to handle the following error: *** Error 70021 (OTH+21) Memory is set 3717636 words short memory size 70000000 Increase the memory size by one of the following where #### is the number of words requested: 1) On the command line set – memory=#### 2) In the input file define memory with *KEYWORD i.e., *KEYWORD #### or *KEYWORD memory=####

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      The set up was 70 mega words for memory, but it complains it is still 3717636 words short. You might want to start with a larger number, 200 mega words. In Workbench Ls-Dyna, go to Analysis Settings, then “CPU and Memory Management”, for Memory Allocation, change the programmed controlled to Manual, then put 200 over there, (200 means 200 Mo). This could have two issues. The Ls-Dyna solver does not do whole model memory allocation in one step, so you might need to iterate a few times to allocate enough memory for the solve to properly start. There might also be errors in the model. You need to review the whole output file and check that there are no other errors present.