We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


How can I update the HP MPI version provided with ANSYS CFX?

    • FAQFAQ

      Download the actual version of HP MPI from the Hewlett-Packard website. http://h21007.www2.hp.com/portal/site/dspp/PAGE.template/page.document?ciid=a308a8ea6ce02110a8ea6ce02110275d6e10RCRD install the version on the computer. The environment variable CFX5_HPMPI_DIR needs to point to the installation directory of the new version. Please generate a file cfx5rc.txt and place that as shown in the ANSYS CFX Help: — The Site-wide Configuration Files — (ANSYS CFX Help: ANSYS CFX Introduction | Customizing ANSYS CFX | ANSYS CFX Resource Configuration Files |) If you are accessing your ANSYS CFX files from a remote file system, your System Administrator may create site-wide resource configuration files. ANSYS CFX first looks for such files in the following order: 1./config/cfx5rc-.txt 2./config/cfx5rc-.txt 3./config/cfx5rc-.txt 4./config/cfx5rc.txt 5./config/cfx5rc-site.txt where: • host is the hostname of the machine on which ANSYS CFX is running. • arch is the architecture of the machine on which ANSYS CFX is running. • os is the operating system of the machine on which ANSYS CFX is running. You can find the value of host, arch, and os by selecting Show > Show System from the menu bar of the CFX Launcher. On Windows, the value of os is winnt. Note Any resources set in these files will affect all users of ANSYS CFX, unless users override these variables in their personal user’s ANSYS CFX resource configuration files. — User’s Configuration Files — (ANSYS CFX Help: ANSYS CFX Introduction | Customizing ANSYS CFX | ANSYS CFX Resource Configuration Files | ) After searching for site-wide configuration files, ANSYS CFX looks for the following user’s configuration files: • cfx5rc-.txt • cfx5rc-.txt • cfx5rc-.txt • cfx5rc.txt (and for the same files without .txt appended) in the following directories: • On Windows: C:Documents and Settings.cfx11.0 is the user name on the machine. If you do not have a home directory, then ANSYS CFX looks in the directory pointed to by the environment variable HOME instead. • On UNIX: ~/.cfx/11.0/ and ~/CFX/11.0/ where ~ means your home directory (if you have one). Please generate the cfx5rc file with the following file content: CFX5_MPI_DIR=”//” Where “New HPMPI root” is the actual installation root of the new HP MPI version. The license will be supplied by ANSYS CFX and find automatically during solver run.