Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing

Firewall settings required to unblock ANSYS Discovery Products

Tagged: installation

    • FAQFAQ


      While using ANSYS Discovery products an ANSYS Licensing Error is displayed and licensing of the products is being denied.


      ANSYS Discovery products need to reach a cloud based license server and the connection requests could be blocked by customer firewall settings.

      The following components can be affected when a firewall blocks requests to the licensing server:

      • ANSYS Discovery Essentials
      • ANSYS Discovery Standard
      • ANSYS Discovery Ultimate
      • ANSYS Discovery Ultimate Geometry Interface Bundle
      • ANSYS Discovery Ultimate Geometry Interface Bundle for CATIA
      • ANSYS Discovery Essential STL Prep for 3D printing
      • ANSYS Discovery KeyShot HD
      • ANSYS Discovery KeyShot Pro
      • ANSYS Discovery Algoryx Momentum

      If your network is protected by a firewall, the following exception rules need to be implemented.

      Firewall Exception Rules

      • Enable https communication over port 443 (in-going and outgoing) to the server located at
      • Exclude the ansysls_client.exe (subscription handler) process on your company firewall

      ANSYS Discovery products licensing requests might also be denied by your antivirus software or by missing user permissions in Windows. If you are still experiencing issues after adding the aforementioned firewall exception rules, please try the following troubleshooting recommendations.


      • Add ansysls_client.exe (subscription handler) to the list of allowed apps of your antivirus software.
      • Make sure you have user permissions to write to the following folders on Windows:
        • %LOCALAPPDATA%
        • %Temp%