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FAQ: Why is the mass moment of inertia reported in units of (length)^5 ?

    • FAQFAQ

      FAQ: Why is the mass moment of inertia reported in units of (length)^5 ?

      By default, Discovery SpaceClaim does not assign a material to a new model.  The lack of a material assignment also means there is no value specified for density, which makes it impossible to display the result using the typical units for the mass moment of inertia:



      The mass moment of inertia for a body can be calculated using the general equation



       width= is the material density,  width= is the distance from any given point within the body to the axis of revolution, and  width= is the total volume of the body in units of length cubed.

      After integrating this general equation, we are left with the following terms and corresponding SI units, for example:

       width=   width=


      However, without an assigned density, the terms cannot be canceled and thus the result of the calculation is displayed as  .

      Users may also notice that the Mass Properties tool reports the Center of Volume of a part until a density is specified, at which point the label in the results changes to Center of Mass.