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FAQ: Discovery SpaceClaim – SpaceClaim XL addin

    • FAQFAQ

      FAQ: Discovery SpaceClaim – SpaceClaim XL addin

      In Discovery SpaceClaim 2019 R2 version, a new addin called “SpaceClaim XL” has been introduced. Below are the salient features of this addin:

      • SpaceClaim XL allows extremely large models to be opened and explored within SpaceClaim
      • Projects can load multiple models from different file formats to load into a single window
      • Assemblies can be explored and sorted before loading geometry into SpaceClaim for editing


      • This addin is available in the form of an app which can be downloaded from ANSYS App Store. You need to use your Discovery login credentials for logging to this app store webpage.
      • After logging in, go to the search field and type “spaceclaimxl” then click the search icon to list the SpaceClaimXL app as shown below.


      • Click on the SpaceClaimXL section and then the Download button to download the app


      SpaceClaim XL is an addin to SpaceClaim that can be installed by unzipping the download into: C:Program FilesANSYS Incv194scdmAddins

      Before unzipping the files, it’s suggested to unblock the zip file by right clicking on the zip file and going to properties. The need to unblock the download will depend on the security settings on your computer.


      After the file is unzipped, simply launch SpaceClaim and you will see the SpaceClaimXL tab in the application. Help for SpaceClaimXL is located within the SpaceClaimXL tab. This help document provides detailed information on how to use this addin. Below image shows the SpaceClaimXL addin with all buttons activated.
