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FAQ: Discovery SpaceClaim and Discovery Live offline help document

    • FAQFAQ

      FAQ: Discovery SpaceClaim and Discovery Live offline help document

      Please click on the links below to download the CHM file (offline help document):


      Discovery SpaceClaim

      Discovery Live


      Discovery SpaceClaim

      Discovery Live


      Discovery SpaceClaim

      Discovery Live


      After downloading a .CHM, you may need to first “unblock it” before you can use it. This is a common security measure that most computers will enforce on files that came from a different computer.

      To Unblock a .CHM:

      1. Right-click on the downloaded .CHM file and select Properties.
      2. At the bottom of the General panel, check Unblock.
      3. Click OK and reopen your .CHM.


      After unblocking the CHM files, you also need to rename them. Rename “SpaceClaim_2019R1.chm” as “SpaceClaim.chm” and “Discovery_2019R1.chm” as “Discovery.chm”


      After renaming the chm files, copy the files in below directory:

      C:Program FilesANSYS Incv193scdm

      Now, regardless of online or offline whenever you press F1 key the offline help document will open.