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Legacy Products

Discovery Tips & Tricks Webinar Series

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      Beginning September 27th, 2018, ANSYS will host a continuing series of online Tips & Tricks webinars focusing on the different functional areas within Discovery Live.

      These presentations will highlight the wide variety of capabilities available in Discovery Live and show users how to tackle complex problems to maximize efficiency when developing a new design.  Topics for the first series will include Fluid Simulations, Concept Optimization Using a Modal Analysis, Structural Simulation of a 3D Printed Lattice, and more.

      A new subject will be presented every two weeks, with one session taking place in the morning, starting at 11 AM EST, followed by a repeat session in the afternoon, starting at 2 PM EST. Participants have the option to attend either session or both.

      Each live demonstration will be followed by a brief Q&A.

      For more information on the various topics, or to sign up to attend a webinar, please use the following link: Discovery Webinars and Events

      Information on how to join the presentation will be provided via email 24 hours in advance.