Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing

Discovery Subscription License Sign-in Blocked.

    • FAQFAQ

      Discovery Subscription License Sign-in Blocked.

      Problem: When users sign-in to Discovery Account for license Activation, the below error is seen.
      “Your sign-in was blocked”


      Cause: This issue is caused due to a Microsoft defect. The team at Ansys is working to navigate this issue and eliminate this problem.
      In the meantime, the below workaround can be used to bypass the login window for license verification during the launch of the Discovery session.

      Workaround: To avoid the login window for activation of license, Discovery products can be activated through the command prompt.

      For command-line options, please follow the below steps or refer to the Command-line Options page on the Discovery Forum:

      1. Launch command prompt on “Run as Administrator”
      2. Navigate to this path or installation directory:
        For older versions:
        C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64
        For 2021 R1 and newer versions:
        C:Program FilesANSYS Incv211licensingclientwinx64
      3. Use the command as below:
        ansysls_client.exe -ActivateLicenseEntitlement

      Once Activation is complete, launching Discovery should not prompt a login.