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Discovery Physics

Discovery Physics

Discovery Explore Mode – Performing Parameter Sweep Study

    • FAQFAQ

      Please find below the steps to perform a Parameter Sweep Study in Discovery Explore Mode:

      1. The first step starts with creating parameters. The process of creating a parameter is very simple. Use Move or Pull tool and click the parameter icon  width= located next to the dimension value for creating a parameter.


      All the parameters created are visible under Groups panel which can be accessed from Advanced Selection option located at the bottom.


      2. Once the parameters are created, a new Parameter icon appears in the Simulation Information Display (SID) menu.


      3. Click on this icon to open Parameter Study panel.


      4. Click “Create Design Variations” button  width= . This will open Design Variations Generator Panel. Select the parameter from the Parameters list. Then specify the Start value, End Value, Interval and Number as required.


      5. Add additional parameters as required for the study and set its values.


      6. Once the parameters are defined, click “Create Design Variations” button located at the bottom right corner. This will create Design Points table will all possible combinations of the parameters.


      7. You can now click the Solve options and solve for current or all desgin points.


      8. You can click the Show Chart button  width=  to see the parameter chart for all Design Points.
