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Discovery Physics

Discovery Physics

Discovery Contacts Warning: “Some surfaces are too far apart to connect. Adjust the surfaces to be closer.”

    • FAQFAQ

      Discovery Contacts Warning: “Some surfaces are too far apart to connect. Adjust the surfaces to be closer.”

      Problem: Warning: “Bonded contact is defined, but some surfaces are too far apart to connect. Adjust the surfaces to be closer.”


      Cause: When contacts are defined in Discovery Explore or Refine mode, and if the faces where Contacts are defined have a larger gap than the default search radius, the above warning may be displayed.
      This may result in the Contacts not being applied properly to the defined location.

      Solution: Increasing the Max value of the “Detection distance” in Contacts Options, will increase the search radius of the contact definition.

      This will ensure that the Contact surfaces are detected and Contact is defined correctly.

      “Detection distance” setting can be found in the Contacts HUD, by toggling the arrow on the right.


      Known issue/bug: In version 2021 R1.2/R1.6, of Discovery, this setting does not appear in Solid Thermal Simulations.

      Workaround for 2021 R1.2/R1.6 version: Follow the below steps to set the Max Detection distance in Solid thermal simulation

      1. Add a Structural boundary condition to Solid thermal simulation (such as Fixed support etc.)
      2. Select the Contact and edit the Max value of the “Detection distance” in Contacts HUD as required.
      3. Once this is set to the required value, Right-click on the Structural boundary condition that was created in step #1 and delete it to resume back to Solid thermal simulation.