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Discovery AIM tutorial – Taylor-Couette Flow between Rotating Cylinders


    • SolutionSolution

      This example is taken from Cornell University’s ANSYS AIM Learning Modules

      A viscous fluid is between two concentric cylinders of radii a and b, which are rotating at constant angular velocities. The diagram below shows these two cylinders and their respective angular velocities. In this problem, the velocity of the inner wall must be calculated to create the Taylor-Couette phenomenon. Find the velocity vectors that are characteristic of the Taylor-Couette flow.


      1. In the paper “Instability of Taylor-Couette Flow between Concentric Rotating Cylinder” by Hua-Shu Dou, Boo Cheong Khoo, and Khoon Seng Yeo the equation for the critical condition of primary instability is simplified for a concentric rotating cylinder. It is given and solved in the equations below. In order to incite Taylor-Couette flow, Kmax must be between 370-389 so a value of 380 was chosen as for Kmax the calculation.


      In this video, you will learn how to create the geometry in Discovery AIM how to generate mesh in the computational fluid domain.


      In this video, you will learn how to edit material properties and specify fluid flow conditions.


      In this video, you will learn how to evaluate velocity vectors and Pressure contour in the flow domain.


      Dou, H.-S., Khoo, B.C., and Yeo, K.S., Instability of Taylor-Couette Flow between Concentric Rotating Cylinders, Inter. J. of Thermal Science, Vol.47, 2008, Vol.47, No.11, 1422-1435.