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Discovery AIM tutorial – Heat Conduction in a Hollow Cylinder

    • SolutionSolution

      This example is taken from Cornell University’s ANSYS AIM Learning Modules

      Consider the hollow cylinder pictured below with outer radius (ro=3.25in), inner radius (ri=1.75in) and length (l=120in). The temperature at the inner radius of the cylinder is 400 degrees Fahrenheit while the outside radius of the cylinder is 80 degrees Fahrenheit with a coefficient of heat transfer of 0.04 Btuh*ftF.


      In this tutorial, we will utilize Discovery AIM to find the temperature throughout the pipe, total heat flux and directional heat flux.

      The governing equation for axisymmetric radial heat flow for a homogeneous cylinder with inner radius ri and outer radius ro is displayed below. Note that the following equation assumes that the cylinder is long enough for end effects to be ignored.


      In the above equation k is the thermal conductivity, A is the surface area, T is the temperature, r is the radial position and Q is the heat generation per unit area.

      For the given problem there is no heat generation, thus the governing equation can be solved easily. The solution for temperature as a function of radial position is displayed below.


      In this video, you will learn how to create a hollow cylinder.

      In this video, you will learn how to specify body sizing and generate a finer mesh for the hollow cylinder.

      In this video, you will learn how to define solid thermal conditions to the model.

      In this video, you will learn how to evaluate temperature and heat flux contours, and heat flux vectors.