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Discovery AIM tutorial – Fluid Flow over a Bluff Body

    • SolutionSolution

      This example is taken from Cornell University’s ANSYS AIM Learning Modules

      Simulate fluid flow over a triangular bluff body under isothermal flow conditions. The following image specifies the problem geometry, while the inlet velocity is 17.3 m/s.


      Download the file here

      In this video, you will learn how to import the geometry in Discovery AIM.

      In this video, you will learn how to generate mesh in the computational fluid domain.

      In this video, you will learn how to edit material properties and specify fluid flow conditions.

      In this video, you will learn how to evaluate velocity vectors and velocity contour in the flow domain.

      In order to validate the results from the tutorial, they must be compared to a source of credibility. The results will be compared to those found in “Volvo Bluff-Body Stabilized Flame.” by Dong, Yunqing, Christian Lübon, and Thomas Frank of ANSYS, which include experimental results. Below is the velocity profile on the centerline downstream of the triangular flame holder. It shows that, immediately after the body, the velocity is about half of the inlet velocity, momentarily zero and then slowly increases until it has just about reached the inlet velocity.

      In order to find data within the AIM simulation that will support this, a velocity contour will be created with a plane that bisects the flow volume horizontally. This velocity contour can already be seen in the results video. The contour will look like the image below.



      After analyzing the picture above, it can be confirmed that the velocity directly downstream of the flameholder it is about half of the original inlet velocity, momentarily zero, and then slowly increases back to the inlet velocity.



      Dong, Yunqing, Christian Lübon, and Thomas Frank. “Volvo Bluff-Body Stabilized Flame – Part 1: Non-reacting Flow Investigations with AIM Fluids 16.2.” ANSYS EKM Server. ANSYS, 2 July 2015. Web. 17 July 2017.