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Discovery AIM : Application Examples: Electro-Thermal-Structural.

    • SolutionSolution

      In addition to learning the power of Discovery AIM in these tutorials, the following application examples will expand your knowledge and discovery to new levels.

      Download and open these files with saved solutions in Discovery AIM and review the setup and solution to gain an understanding of what ANSYS can help you Discover.


      1) Electromagnetic-Thermal Simulation of an IGBT Planar Transformer

      Application example of a IGBT simulation with electromagnetic-thermal coupling. This simulation calculates the temperature distribution through the IGBT package which is operating at 75A. This project requires release 19.0 or newer.

      Download the file here


      2) Electromagnetic-Thermal Simulation of a Coil Inducing Eddy Currents in a Plate

      Application example of a magnetic coil simulation with electromagnetic-thermal coupling. Ohmic losses in a plate are calculated based on the magnetic field of an adjacent coil. The losses are transferred to a thermal simulation where the temperature distribution through the plate is calculated. This project requires release 19.0 or newer.

      Download the file here


      3) Electromagnetic-Thermal-Structural Simulation of a Fuse

      Application example of a structural-thermal-electromagnetics simulation of a fuse assembly. A 30A current is applied to the fuse which is rated for 10A. The temperature distribution through the aluminum fuse element and polyethylene body is calculated based on the resistance heating of the element. The thermally induced stresses are also calculated. This project requires release 19.0 or newer.

      Download the file here


      4) Structural-Thermal-Electromagnetics Simulation of LED Chip Joule Heating

      Application example of Joule heating of an LED chip. The Joule heating and temperature distribution are calculated based on the electric potential across the LED and the electrical resistance of the chip. The thermal stress in the chip is calculated based on the temperature distribution. This project requires release 19.0 or newer.

      Download the file here


      5) Electromagnetic-Thermal Simulation of a Solenoid Valve

      Application example of a solenoid valve simulation with electromagnetic-thermal coupling. Heat generation from the coil based on the Fill Factor method is transferred to a thermal physics region where the temperature through the whole geometry is calculated. The force generated by the valve based on the current through the solenoid’s coil is also calculated. This project requires release 19.0 or newer.

      Download the file here


      6) Electromagnetic-Thermal-Structural Simulation of a Switch

      Application example of a structural-thermal-electric conduction simulation of a simple switch. A force closes the switch and the resistance heating is calculated based on the electric potential across the switch and the contact resistance. This project requires release 19.0 or newer.

      Download the file here
