We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


Can I plot fan curve in Fluent from piecewise-linear settings that I entered on a fan boundary condition?

    • SolutionSolution

      The fan curve plot is an option in Icepak, but it is not readily available in Fluent. The following solution shows you how to do it: 1) Load the attached scheme file with ‘File–>Read –> Scheme’ and choose “display-fan-curve.scm” 2) Type scheme function: (plot-fan-curve ‘orifice) where ‘orifice’ is the name of your fan condition. The pressure jump specification has to be piecewise-linear to make this scheme function work. ———————————- A second function is also added if you want to modify the list of points in the fan curve: (modify-fan-curve ‘orifice ‘((0 . 1000) (0.5 . 980) (1 . 900) (1.5 . 870) (2 . 800) (3 . 600) (4 . 300) (4.5 . 0))) ———————————- Note that you make this scheme file loaded automatically if you include it in your .fluent file, which is in your home directory.

      1. 2039208.pdf
      2. 2039208.zip
      3. instruction-fan-curve.pdf