We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.


An error (-5004: 0x800705aa) has occurred while running the setup Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs please contact your vendor: ANSYS.

    • FAQFAQ

      An error (-5004: 0x800705aa) has occurred while running the setup Problem Description: When when installing ANSYS 11.0 SP1 you receive the following error: “An error (-5004: 0x800705aa) has occurred while running the setup” Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs please contact your vendor: ANSYS. This is an Installshield error caused by a user profile that does not have the correct permissions in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER portion of the Windows registry. Resolution 1: To avoid this error message when installing ANSYS 11.0 SP1, login under a different account with administrator privileges and install ANSYS from that account. To correct this error under the current account, remove the user account from the machine and recreate it. See your system administrator for assistance. Resolution 2: 1. Open Command Prompt. Start -> Run -> Type: cmd and press Enter. 2. Type the following: * time /interactive cmd.exe Where time is the actual time. For example, if its 11:30 AM at your computer. Type: 11:31(instead of the word time). Press Enter. 3. Close the Command Prompt window. 4. Wait until the time you entered in Step 2 has begun. When this happens a Command Prompt window will automatically appear on the screen. 5. Run the setup program from command window. For example, “setup.exe”. 6. Installshield will load and run the setup without giving the 5004: 0×80070005 error. 7. Complete the installation as usual or as instructed in the installation guide. NOTE: This process allows you to run the interactive Command Prompt window as a local administrator on the machine.