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ZEMAX: How to optimize the uniform irradiation intensity in NSC

    • 979813436

      I am trying to optimize my model

      and now,It look like this:

      And my Target is:

      So,I use below merit function to optimize:

      Is there any wrong about my merit function so that I can't get the target image ???

    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee


      Dear Subscriber,

      It is difficult to provide specific guidance without additional details.

      1.What is the optical system, and how did you set the variables?
      2. How do you ensure that your system can deliver better performance than it already achieves?
      3. NSDD -4 2 gives the RMS of flux per solid angle for all the non-zero pixels in the entire detector, which is square. Your target area seems to be a circle. How do you ensure you are not unintentionally optimizing the corners of the detector as well?

      Best regards,


      • 979813436

        This the NSC data



        The pictures I provide now are not improved by using the NSDD,ect. I directly change the parameters of the object 5 aiming to make the Irradiation intensity  distribute lights evenly in  red . what else can I do to improve the NSDD's set?

    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee

      This topic has been moved to the Optics forum. Thank you!

    • 979813436

      And finally make the Irradiation intensity from dia1 to dia2

      dia 1



    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Subscriber,

      I noticed a couple of things:
      1. I can’t read the text in your NSQ Editor, but I don’t see any element in your system that defines the target area. For example, I notice the secondary ring in the detector, and it seems you’re optimizing for that as well. I think you need to include something to clearly define the target area.
      It appears the distribution is no longer improving because it may already be the best achievable with the way your system is defined. Why do you think it’s possible to achieve better results?

      Best regards,

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