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Workbench Closes after 2-3 minutes on it owns


    • Chris Roberts


      We are having some issues with Workbench crashing. We just recently upgraded to 2025 R1 on our university license and when we open workbench it stays open but it closes in 2-3 minutes. There is no error that pops up initially the window just closes on its own after 2-3 minutes. This error log was found by our IT Staff and suggested we ask for Ansys if they can suggest what might be the issue. We tried to install Ansys on multiple PCs, wipe the entire drive and reinstalled the OS and then Ansys but the issue is the same. There is no other software on the PC other than Ansys only. No antivirus or other programs that could hinder it based on prior advice from the forums. If someone can please suggest why workbench just shuts off after 2-3 minutes please let me know.


    • lpsilvei
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Chris, 

      This could be related to Antivirus, Firewall, corrupted OS files or graphics driver issue.

      You can try the following steps: 
      Method 1: Scan for Malware. 
      Method 2: Disable Antivirus and Firewall Security Software.
      Method 3: Exclude Application Files in Antivirus and Firewall (C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc).
      Method 4: Disable Windows Defender or Safelist the ANSYS Application.
      Method 5: Run the Application as an Administrator.
      Method 6: Confirm you have a supported Graphics card for ANSYS 2025 vR1 and install the latest Graphics driver ( https://www.ansys.com/content/dam/release/2025-r1/platform-support/ansys-2025-r1-graphical-display-graphics-cards.pdf ). 

      You can also try the following procedure: 

      Check the PATH System Variable to make sure that C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;… entries are in front of everything else.

      Like:  PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;…all other entries...

      Manually register the DLLs listed below by starting a Command Prompt (DOS) "as administrator" and changing to the directory c:\windows\system32, then typing:

      regsvr32.exe ole32.dll
      regsvr32.exe atl.dll
      regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll
      regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll
      regsvr32.exe jscript.dll
      regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll

      ALL of the DLL's above are Windows DLLs and if you have issues registering any of them, it will be a SYSTEM/OS issue and you should involve their IT Team. 

      Rename v251 from %APPDATA%\ansys\v251 to v251.old (where %APPDATA% is where your APPDATA variable is set to - "Just type %APPDATA% in the Explorer Address bar" and it will take you there). 

      Rename .ansys from %TEMP% to old.ansys (same as above, just type: %TEMP% in the address bar)

      Rename .fluent and .cfx folders/files in C:\Users\user_name to .fluent.old .cfx.old or delete any fluent/cfx folder/files in this directory. 

      Run the ProductConfig.exe from C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251 and configure the application again, by right clicking the productconfig.exe file and select "Run as Administrator", selecting all options and make sure you also click on "Install Required Prerequisites" and "Add .NET Security Exception For ANSYS" . 

      Test the application again.

      I hope this information helps.

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