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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

what is the best way to apply shear stress to a shell 181 element?

    • sv391fis

      I try in vain to apply shear stress to Shell 181 elements.
      So far I have managed to apply Surf153 elements at the corresponding edges and apply also the desired shear stress, but there seems to be no connection between the shell 181 elements and the surface elements.
      Can I somehow apply direct tangential pressure to face 5, for example?
      I applied the surface elements with the EINTF command, so the nodes should be connected correctly? 
      Many thanks in advance 


    • peteroznewman

      Here are some SHELL181 elements being loaded with some in-plane XY shear stress.

      I’m guessing that you want to apply shear stress through the thickness of the shell element.

      One approach is to convert the geometry to a thin solid and mesh with hex elements. Put at least two quadratic or four linear hex elements through the thickness (say the Z axis in this example). Apply a force in the +X direction to the bottom (-Z) surface and apply the same force in the -X direction to the top (+Z) surface.  Now you have created through thickness XZ shear stress in the solid hex elements.

      Another approach is to convert the problem to layered composite laminate shell elements. You can have many layers through the thickness of the shell element. Build it with ACP(Pre) and define 10 layers with a material such as unidirectional carbon fiber and assign the angles of the fibers in each layer. Apply a force to the edge in the image above in the Z direction to bend the 2D plate. That will create in-plane interlamina shear stresses that can be output. The largest shear stress is between layers 1 and 2 and between layers 9 and 10 in this example.

    • steven0smith01

      It seems like the Surf153 elements aren't properly transferring shear stress to the Shell181 elements. Have you tried verifying node connectivity using *MERGE or checking contact definitions for proper load transfer?

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