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What are the blending rules used for the liquid injection in the DI simulation in Chemkin?

    • ed12s6w
      Hi there,nI am looking to use the Chemkin-Pro Direct-Injection (DI) Diesel Engine Simulator but I am looking at using fuel mixtures. I am wanting to know if any mixing rules are used for the liquid physical properties for the fuel mixtures and if so what they are? Are they simply linear blending rules or more detailed expressions? I have seen that each component needs to have its liquid physical properties in the thermochemistry file but how these are combined for fuel blends is unclear. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!n
    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee
      Hi:nYes, the liquid properties for the Chemkin-Pro Direct-Injection (DI) Diesel Engine Simulator are handled using the assumption of ideal liquids. They are combined using a mass-weighted mixing law.n
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