TAGGED: anisotropy, failure-criteria, topology-optimization
June 26, 2023 at 11:46 am
Paweł Szeptyński
SubscriberHello, I'm new to ANSYS and currently I'm invetigating the capabilities of the Structural Optimization module. I'm interested in topology optimization of a beam made of the glue-laminated-timber (GLT), which exhibit anisotropic elastic and strength properties. I'm trying to solve a problem of minimization of beam's volume subject to the Ulitimate Limit State (ULS) constraint. Since the material is anisotropic I cannot use local von Mises stress constraint - I need to define a different criterion (such as Hill, Hoffman etc.). There is possibility of choosing a "criterion" as a "response criterion", but then this criterion must be chosen and by default the list is empty. Where I can define my own criterion?
June 27, 2023 at 4:45 am
Nanda Veralla
Ansys EmployeeHello Pawel,
This constraint is required for a Structural Optimization analysis. The application inserts this object automatically when you create a Structural Optimization analysis. The default response constraint is a Mass Constraint object. For more details on response constraint, kindly refer to these following links:
Response Constraint (ansys.com)
Additional information can be found here:
Response Constraint (ansys.com)
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How to access ANSYS help links
June 27, 2023 at 6:22 am
Paweł Szeptyński
SubscriberThank you for response. When I'm trying to check the links that you have provided, I need to fill Ansys Customer Support Space Registration Form, where Account Number is required. I can't find it. Is it because I'm using Student's Free version?
June 27, 2023 at 6:24 am
Nanda Veralla
Ansys EmployeeHello Pawel,
Here's how you can access the Ansys Online Help from within the Ansys Student products:
- Open Ansys Workbench (or any other Ansys product) and go to Help > Ansys Workbench Help. A browser window will open.
- Copy the link to the Ansys Online Help from the post on the Ansys Learning Forum.
- Paste the link into the address bar of the browser window opened in step 1, and you'll be able to access the desired page.
All the best,
- The topic ‘user-defined Response Criterion in Structural Optimization’ is closed to new replies.
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