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user-defined Response Criterion in Structural Optimization

    • Paweł Szeptyński

      Hello, I'm new to ANSYS and currently I'm invetigating the capabilities of the Structural Optimization module. I'm interested in topology optimization of a beam made of the glue-laminated-timber (GLT), which exhibit anisotropic elastic and strength properties. I'm trying to solve a problem of minimization of beam's volume subject to the Ulitimate Limit State (ULS) constraint. Since the material is anisotropic I cannot use local von Mises stress constraint - I need to define a different criterion (such as Hill, Hoffman etc.). There is possibility of choosing a "criterion" as a "response criterion", but then this criterion must be chosen and by default the list is empty. Where I can define my own criterion?

    • Nanda Veralla
      Ansys Employee


      Hello Pawel,

      This constraint is required for a Structural Optimization analysis. The application inserts this object automatically when you create a Structural Optimization analysis. The default response constraint is a Mass Constraint object. For more details on response constraint, kindly refer to these following links:

      Response Constraint (ansys.com)

      Additional information can be found here:

      Response Constraint (ansys.com)



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    • Paweł Szeptyński

      Thank you for response. When I'm trying to check the links that you have provided, I need to fill Ansys Customer Support Space Registration Form, where Account Number is required. I can't find it. Is it because I'm using Student's Free version?

    • Nanda Veralla
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Pawel,

      Here's how you can access the Ansys Online Help from within the Ansys Student products:

      1. Open Ansys Workbench (or any other Ansys product) and go to Help > Ansys Workbench Help. A browser window will open.
      2. Copy the link to the Ansys Online Help from the post on the Ansys Learning Forum.
      3. Paste the link into the address bar of the browser window opened in step 1, and you'll be able to access the desired page.

      All the best,


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