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Unexpected error occurred while solving a structure simulation

    • Luc Bernhardt

      Hi, I'm having some problems solving a static structure simulation.

      I'm using ANSYS Student on a Macbook Pro with an M1 Pro chip via Parallels VM. I used this video to install it.

      Workbench and Mechanical work fine but as soon as I want to solve a simulation, this error occurs:
      "*** ERROR *** CP = 0.812 TIME= 17:33:52
      An unexpected error ( SIG$ILL ) has occurred... MAPDL internal data
      has been corrupted. MAPDL is unable to recover and will terminate.
      Previously saved files are unaffected. Please send the data leading
      to this operation to your technical support provider, as this will
      allow ANSYS, Inc to improve the program."

      I checked the memory, GPU and processor settings as in other forum threads. I have the latest ANSYS Student R1 version, downloaded on June 23. However, nothing seems to work in my case. What should I do to solve this problem? Has anyone encountered this problem before?

      Thanks !


    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      Please see the following post:
      M1 Mac Issues (

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