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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Unable to import mesh: No 3D elements are present.

    • matthe18

      I use GridPro to create my meshes and then use the GridPro executable to import them into CFX with the User Import option. This procedure has worked for me consistently in the past, and continues to work for my colleagues. However, I have been getting the following error using this procedure:


      There was a problem importing the mesh from the requested file.

      The importing process reported the following problem:


      Unable to import mesh: No 3D elements are present.


      I am, however, able to export this same mesh to the Fluent .msh format, and this can be imported into CFX. I have a workflow built around the first method I am asking about, and would prefer to continue using this method. Is there anything I can do to see why this error occurs?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Is the problem unique to a single mesh, or just your computer? 

    • matthe18

      The problem is for all meshes I try to export with the installs on my computer. I have checked with others in my group that use the same software and they are not having this issue. I am not quite sure which side is having the issue (CFX or GridPro) but I thought I would start here.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      And can they read the meshes that you're writing from GridPro? Can you read mesh that they produce (and can read) into CFX? That'll help determine where the problem is. 

    • matthe18

      They are able to import the same mesh using the first method in CFX. I tried the same file and I was met with the same error I described. We are using the same versions for both programs in Windows environment.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Try removing the Ansys %appdata% folder in case that's causing the problem. The mesh readers in the solvers are installed along with them, so it's not likely linked to any other Ansys tools. 

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