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Turbulent flow simulation in a long pipe

    • Rocci

      I am working on a simple turbulent flow simulation in a long pipe of length 1m in ANSYS Fluent. The inlet Re is 12000 and inlet velocity is 0.76 m/s. The problem is that the continuity residuals after some iterations remain constant and do not decrease no matter how long you run the iterations. Other residuals decrease and eventually reach the tolerance criteria except the continuity. I have tried changing the viscous model, solution methods, relaxation factors but the continuity residuals never converge .....I am stuck in this loop for a whole month now and don't know what to do....Its only a simple straightforward simulation and i am so much confused ...Please can anyone help me about what am i doing wrong and what solution approach should i use?????

      Pipe MeshModeling and Solution ParametersSolution ResidualsY+ at Wall


    • Kalyan Goparaju
      Ansys Employee


      Have you tried running with the Fluent default settings of SST k-omega, and the coupled pseudo-transient solver? Does it not work even then? 



    • Rocci

      I will try to do that and let you know.....Thanks

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