General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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The enable of penalty method

    • Ken Ng


      I am new to Ansys and I am trying to create the normal force for the friction of a pull-out test through the penalty method. So I read the guide and tried to mess around in Mechanical, and I found there are 2 ways to change it to the penalty method, which are the command and the parameter in detail of the contacts. I am not sure which one is the correct way to do the penalty method, so I wonder what are their differences and which is the right one. (actually, I think I failed to use both methods as they all give the same result as "Program Controlled", but I am not sure which parts go wrong

      Method 1: APDL command in contacts
      et ,cid, 174
      KEYOPT,CONT,2, 1
      KEYOPT,CONT,3, 1 

      Method 2: Change the parameter in detail of the contacts

      et ,cid, 174


    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Why not use the deflaut 'Program Controlled' which is Augmented Lagrange forumulation. For comparison of different algorithms please refer to the links below:

      PowerPoint Presentation (

      Understanding Basics of Contact - Lesson 2 - ANSYS Innovation Courses


      Ashish Khemka


      • Ken Ng

        Hi Ashish,

        Thank you for answering, I'll try it and see their differences. And I wonder what is the difference between change the parameters in detail and using the commands code?



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