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Symmetry in ANSYS FLUENT


    • DRD08

      Hi, I know this is probably a dumb question but I'm just starting to get into CFD using ANSYS FLUENT.

      So if I wanted to calculate the drag force on a ship hull, an aircraft, or any body moving through fluid and decide to solve it using symmetry (splitting the domain in half through the centre) do I need to multiply the results by 2? This is if I put a drag force monitor on the object wall.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Force will be on what you have in the model, so for the whole hull you'll need to double the value. However if you're using coefficients, they're defined with an area in the equations, so you need to check what area you're using. 

      • DRD08

        Oh ok, thanks! I'll give it a try.

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