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Space Claim: error with splitting body

    • Aadya Goel

      When I try to split the body, using a plane, it splits the enclosure but not the model, giving the error: could not split 9/21 bodies. How do I split the model? Additionally, can I still do cfd on this? without splitting it since its outside the enclosure? 

    • Nikhil N
      Ansys Employee



      This is difficult to understand why you are facing the issue without a file. Moreover Ansys employees are not allowed to handle any external files or link. 

      Regarding your second question, yes, we can disregard other bodies and focus solely on the enclosure. The area occupied by the car can be assumed as a void, which is a standard practice for external aerodynamic simulations.


      Thank you! 

    • Nikhil N
      Ansys Employee

      Additionally, can you share the screenshot of the error? Thanks! 

    • Aadya Goel


      Thank you. Solved, I had to click on the outer body of the car to remove it – I clicked on the part of the enclosure which removed only that. 


    • Nikhil N
      Ansys Employee

      Awesome! Glad that you were able to resolve the issue.

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