

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.


    • muhammadagussriharto

      Hi guys ,  I need attention from you all. First of all , It is relate to require RAM for doing analyst CFD in ansys fluent . If I have 24 GB RAM with processor i7 4 core,  is it enough for 6M cell and the model is ship with five hull only hull for the model running in cfd fluent . Secondly , Is there any suggestion for me to running cfd for pentamaran ship which doesn't need more than 24 GB RAM ? Lastly , For the information I only find the total resistance for the ship .

      Thanks for advance, I using ansys 18.2  .

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You really need to update, R18 is a long way behing the current solver. 

      Depending on models 24GB will allow 6-8M cells, possibly nearer 12-18M with SIMPLE but adding in VOF is likely to push you to the lower end. It also depends on the element types. Modelling more complex shapes will need more cells, so you'll need to see if you can take advantage of symmetry or use a bigger computer. 

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