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Query regarding broadband simulations in FDTD

    • naveen.kumar


      I want to know about the broadband simulations in FDTD. I am trying to simulate a simple Si waveguide (with roughness) wrapped by SiO2. I want to consider a wideband (0.4um to 1.6um) as a multifrequency source. How should I decide if I want the frequency dependent profiles or not, how many profile samples, number of trial modes, and frequency points in the monitors? I dont want to lose the accuracy but limited to around 250 threads of computational load. What would be the best method to run an efficient simulations?

    • Kirill
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Subscriber,

      FDTD is a time-domain method, allowing you to obtain broadband results from a single simulation. The article Changing the source bandwidth in FDTD and MODE briefly describes this. By default, the monitors inherit the bandwidth from the source, but you can modify this if needed.

      I recommend checking the following resources:
      1. FDTD product reference manual
      2. Photonics Learning Tracks, especially Ansys Lumerical FDTD.
      3. On the Ansys Optics page, there is a section called Application Gallery, where you can search for relevant examples.

      Best regards,

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