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Power Ferrite Core Loss Units Maxwell

    • msolomentsev

      In Maxwell 2D, in order to specify core loss parameters for power ferrite, three values must be provided: Cm, X, and Y.

      It's my understanding that: P = Cm * f^X * B^Y.

      My question is what units should the parameters be scaled for? Is frequency in kilohertz or megahertz? Is B in mT or T? Should P be mW/cm^3 or W/cm^3?

    • msolomentsev
      I've solved the issue. f must be in Hz, B in Tesla. P is in W/m^3. This means that core loss parameters (in particular the constant term Cm) must often be changed from their given values on a datasheet in order to give accurate results.
    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee
      Hi @msolomentsev Good to know that your issue is solved.
      Thanks for posting the resolution.

      Regards Navya
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