General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Moving Heat Flux

    • mateus.chaves

      Hi, everyone

      I want to understand what influence has the geometry I select in the results and which faces I should use for my simulation.
      I'm simulating circunferencial and longitudinal fillets. The middle point is the path of the heat source. I wanna know if I should select the external faces, the internal faces, all of them ?
      Can somebody help me?

      Thank you for your attention. 

    • Ashutosh Srivastava
      Ansys Employee

      Are you trying to simulate deposit weld? If yes, then I would suggest you to use the deposit weld ACT extension.

      • mateus.chaves

        Where I can find this extension? Never heard about that before, and didn't find it anywhere.

    • Ashutosh Srivastava
      Ansys Employee

      There two more weld ACT extensions: Ansys Store Catalog

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