

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Modeling of a 2D Wave Rotor

    • ar097dr

      Hello everyone, I am modeling a wave rotor in 2D using the ANSYS Fluent Student Edition. Specifically, my problem involves a rotor that serves as the rotating part, containing a total number of full channels plus two half channels (one at the top and one at the bottom) to simulate the system's periodicity. These half channels must have the same conditions internally, as if they were the same channel.

      The stator, which will remain stationary, extends 1 mm to the left and right of the rotor, where the ports are located.

      To simulate the rotor's rotation, I was planning to use sliding meshes. However, I am encountering issues in defining the interfaces, both in the mesh selection stage and later in Fluent.

      I suspect the problem might already lie in the geometry. If anyone could take a look at the steps I’ve detailed here, maybe I’ve missed or mishandled something at this stage. Thank you in advance!


    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      we, Ansys employees, cannot look through your file but if you put screenshots, we should be able to provide some suggestions.

      The key for Sliding Meshes is that you will need to have non-conformal mesh interfaces between the rotating and stationary cell zones. 

      Maybe this tutorial helps: Chapter 14: Using Sliding Meshes

      • ar097dr

        Did you have a chance to look at the screenshots? If so, could you give me some feedback?

    • ar097dr

      here are the screenshots. I'm focusing on the geometry part for the time being because fluent does not find some interfaceses and so does not let me start the simulation.


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