LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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meaning of variables for MAT_079 in elout and dynain file

    • jkrot080

      Hello. Hoping somebody can help me out with this: I am using MAT_079 for soil modeling in Ansys Workbench 2024R1 (LS Dyna R14) and it is not quite clear to me what a specific vatiable is in the output files elout / dynain. It is the 'yield function' position in the elout for stresses, and in the dynain file it is the 7th output number for stresses as well. I assume it is the same variable (same number). I thought it would be the effective strain (equivalent or van Mises strain ) or shear strain, however I am unable to reproduce the same result with hand calculation, using both general formula for van Mises strain and the formula given in the manual (vol II) for MAT_079.

      Can somebody confirm for me what the output is, and ideally the way it is calculated exactly ? Screen shots from the elout and dynain file are attached (I was looking at element 1243).Thanks a lot. 

    • Nanda Veralla
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Joerg,
      Let me build a dummy model with MAT_079 and look at my elout and dynain files. I will get back to you with my findings.



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