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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Meaning of 11th column (time) in Transient Injection File Format

    • sardar.svn
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator


      Fairly sure it's particle age - note, injection files are often created from DPM.out files so some fields are present for the outfile. 

    • sardar.svn


      Thank you Rob for reaching out.

      Sadly. I cannot open the link. 

      However, just in case I need to explain my question further: When I want to input an unsteady injection file in Fluent, what am I supposed to put as a value under the “time” column? Since I cannot open the link up, I can kind of think of “the outfiles” you mentioned as something that is supposed to be left intact while creating the file. Should I input zeros for them?

      By particle age, do you mean the time particle has been in the domain? 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Open Help in Fluent & then paste the link into the browser, the solvers have a token to bypass the security step. Age would be time in the domain, as opposed to the "flow-time" that would be when the particle is to be released. 


    • sardar.svn

      Can the user determine how long a parcel will be calculated in the domain? If so, what does a zero value mean? indefinite tracking?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Parcels will be tracked as long as they're in the domain, so either until they leave or are counted as incomplete due to running out of position integration steps. If you want to kill parcels you'll need a UDF. 

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