General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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make mechanical analysis on topology result

    • bc0009

      I get the optimization result and I need to set one end of the beam fixed and apply a downwards force at the other end and make another simulation. what preprocessing should be done for this? 

    • bc0009

      when i tried to directly running the simulation it says I get mesh error "The surface mesh is intersecting or close to intersecting, making it difficult to create a volume mesh. Please adjust the mesh size or adjust the geometry to fix the problem." so i am wondering if there is something wrong with my preprocessing or what.

    • bc0009

      in the geometry, i only set "smooth" and "reduce" and convert the whole structure into solid.

    • harshvardhan.negi
      Ansys Employee

      You can use the shrinkwrap option to smoothen out features and then use smooth option.
      For an example for Topology Optimization you kindly go through the following link:
      Topology Optimization of a Bell Crank| Ansys Innovation Courses  

      The example in the link covers the steps required to use the optimized geometry for further analysis.


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