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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Issue with Running LS-PrePost in Batch Mode on an HPC

    • jtowns03

      I'm trying to run LS-PrePost 4.12 in batch mode with the -nographics option on Stanford's Sherlock HPC to process d3plot data (~2TB) without downloading it locally. However, despite the -nographics flag, I get errors due to numerous missing graphical libraries (e.g., liblibApipWrapper.so, liblsreader_c.so.0.1.77) that are not available on the HPC. Has anyone successfully run LS-PrePost on an HPC in this mode? Are there alternative methods to extract d3plot data without the GUI or workarounds for these dependencies?

      Example of the error:

      /home/groups/camarilo/LS-PrePost_4.12/lsprepost: error while loading shared libraries: liblibApipWrapper.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 

    • Raman Babu
      Ansys Employee


      Does the linux box have a graphics card?
      If No, we need to send display to Xvfb

      If it is not installed, you need to install it and can create a X virtual framebuffer.
      Please see the below a shell script to create X virtual framebuffer.

      # Usage lsprepost_xvfb.sh arguments
      # the paramter arguments are sent across to prepost 

      if [ "x${Xvfb}" = "x" ] ; then
          echo "Running LS-Prepost using no graphics mode"
          ${LSPREPOST} -nographics $@
          echo "Running LSPREPOST using VirtualFrameBuffer (VFB)"
      #    ${Xvfb} :${display_id} -nolisten tcp -fbdir -screen 0 1920x1080x64 &
          ${Xvfb} :${display_id} -screen 0 800x600x24&
          DISPLAY=":${display_id}"; export DISPLAY
          ${LSPREPOST} $@
          kill -9 ${pid} 
          rm -rf /tmp/.X${pid}"-lock"
      echo "Done.."


    • igandiko
      Ansys Employee


      I suggest trying the below batch command instead of using -nographics option.

      /path/lsprepost runc=cfile


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