LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Is there a sample Ansys Workbench LS-DYNA analysis showing the workflow for SPG?

    • Patrick Lee

      I am looking for a sample analysis showing the workflow in Anys Workbench LS-DYNA that shows the set-up when using the SPG method. Are there any?

    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Patrick,

      The SPG workflow is very simple; mesh the body with regular finite elements and use a section to define the SPG body:

      The LS-DYNA solver will use SPG particles located at the nodes instead of the finite elements.

      You will find SPG examples here:

      You can download models by clicking on the [in] link:


      Let me know how it goes.



    • Patrick Lee

      Thanks. I thought it looked pretty simple to implement. I've tried downloading the file you pointed out but nothing downloads. I get a "not found" message.

      My application is very close to the "cutting" example. That won't download either.


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