General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Interface Elements NMISC user defined solution output method

    • Dennis Chen

      In the documentation here (, the TB,CZM...TBOPT=BILI allows output of DTSTART, DPARAM and DENER.   These data are usually output as NMISC data which is not available in the solution worksheet inside mechanical.   I am looking for an instruction on how to output these quantities.   I've looked all over the documentation and cannot figure out what to do.    The TBOPT=CBDD/CBDE version of this is much easier by comparison. 

      Does anyone at Ansys or Peter or anyone really know how to do this?  Thank you


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      First one needs an entreprise licence to output them.

      Then go to the contact17X element help reference and their result outputs and find these (e.g., DTSTART is for instance NMISC66 if you see in the conta175 help doc.)

      Then create a user defined result inside mechanical as shown:

      All the best


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