General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Incorrect reaction forces and potentially under constrained model

    • Andrew

      I am trying to simulate a wheel hub design for a car and my reaction forces at contacts and supports in my sim do not match hand calc and simple sims in other programs. Below is a photo of my setup where i have fixed supports on my bearings, a remote force being applied at the contact patch to a wheel center and a remote displacement on the back face of the hub which is free in all directions except Ry and Y. Without the remote displacement rigid body motion occurs and the 0 displacment in y represents a retaining plate that stops y translation.

      I have another model where an extra geometry is on the back face to stop the hub translating in positive Y which will be present in the real life assembly however it produces results that aren't matching hand calculations and bad reaction forces. The screenshot belows shows a reaction probe for a frictionless contact that has a 120N force that is resisting sliding and I don't understand how this possible.

      I have tried a large range of fixes and different ways of constraining this model but none have been accurate so any guidance of better ways to simulate this or ways to troubleshoot would be appreciated. I can give plenty more details on problems if more context is required


    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Check my comments here: Struggling to constrain model (

      In addition, you can try the force balance by applying a single force and checking if you get the expected reaction. 


      Ashish Khemka

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