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Struggling to constrain model

    • Andrew

      Im conducting static structural simulations for a wheel hub and I'm having issues contraining the model so i get correct reaction forces at my supports and contacts and also stopping rigid body motion. The rigid body issues were for Ry of the hub and y translation of the hub in the positive y direction. Below is a screenshot of one of the two different models I've been experimenting with which has a remote force at the contact patch to the wheel centre, fixed supports on the bearings and the remote displacement which is free in all directions except Ry and Y. This model works well in all cases except when there is a positive y component to the remote force. 

      Below is my other model where an extra geometry is added which is a retaining plate that is in the real life model. This has the same similar issues and it produces really bad reaction forces. A screenshot below shows the reaction force of a frictionless contact reacting 120N inn the direction the contact wants to slide which really confuses me and I'm not sure how that can occur.  


      Overall I'm after some guidance of where I'm potentially going wrong, is there are better way and what is the trouble shooting process for this. If more context is required I cant give it as substantial amounts as lots has been left out to keep the post short as many things have already been tried. (Apologises if posted twice i dont believe my first one worked)

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Ansys employees cannot look into the model but few suggestios:

      Can you use symmetry? This looks to be a simple assembly, but you can perform a modal analysis to check for unconstrained parts. Are you modeling bolts as well and is it necessay? Search YouTube for some videos where users might have already done this.

      One of the title I found: 'Static structural analysis of Wheel HUB in ANSYS- BAJA/FSAE/SAE video'


      Ashish Khemka

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