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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Improving the results

    • 1brah1M

      Dear All,

      I hope you are doing well, Could you please help me to find a way to improve my results,

      I am doing simulation for a ship multiphase VOF and SST model has been chosen,

      The boundary Inlet Pressure inlet

      Outlet Pressure Outlet

      The ship is a wall

      The Atm is set as pressure outlet

      but the results do not converge.

      Could you please tell me how can I improve it I have attached a file for the simulation


      Best Regards







    • 1brah1M

    • Karthik Remella


      Please run a transient simulation for this. This is a transient phenomenon and does not achieve a steady solution. Please adjust your timestep and number of iterations so you are converging every time-step.




    • 1brah1M

      thanks, I will try it


    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Slso try to improve the mesh near the free sea level and increase mesh density along the hull. This can be done with steady state solver(only if final result is important..) but as my colleague said it is safer to run with transient solver to get evolving free surface level and loads accurately.
    • 1brah1M

      Thanks for your kind reply, there is no possibility to improve the mesh due to limitation of student version, even the transit doesn't give any good results


      any suggestions?


      Best Regards


    • Karthik Remella


      Could you please post some details about how you are setting up your model - boundary conditions, solver settings, and initial conditions?

      Also, what is the quality of your mesh? Please provide the skewness value from Ansys Meshing.

      Without this information, we might only be able to make some guesses as to why your model is diverging. Please share some elaborate screenshots in your next post.

      Thank you.



    • 1brah1M

      Dear Kremella,

      Thanks for your reply, yes sure skewness ave is 0.21743, max is 0.825,

      For the model, I used SST model for the viscosity and VOF for multiphase using the open channel,

      The boundary condition Inlet with Inlet pressure I set up the level of the water and the velocity,

      Outlet Pressure Outlet.

      The Atm is set as pressure outlet

      I have attache the file that is make you able to check the case please find it ,


      Best Regards

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