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HPPC generation to create ECM in Fluent

    • fsvl1319

      I would like to ask regarding HPPC. I am working on ETC for battery modules. My model option is Circuit networks, and my E-chemistry model is Equivalent Circuit model ECM as attached pics. After defining everything and reaching model parameters, I have to load User's HPPC test file (import them). Here is the question: Where do I have to import them in order to create ECM? or how can I generate them ? Please help with this. 

    • Murari Iyengar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, HPPC data is derived from physical testing of your cells. Once you get this data, you can import it in Fluent to accurately represent the cells characteristics and behavior. Please see Building Better Batteries: Characterize Battery Parameters for Simulation for more information on what and how HPPC data is obtained. 

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