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How to obtain the phase distribution of each diffraction order after diffraction

    • qiuxiang ouyang
      I established a grating periodic structure in FDTD and used a plane wave source to illuminate the grating. There will be various diffraction orders directly above the grating. For phase gratings, the phases of positive and negative diffraction orders are different, then How to obtain the phase distribution of these diffraction orders?
      Is it possible to obtain its electric field through a monitor, and then set the angle of the corresponding plane to obtain the corresponding phase distribution?
    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Qiuxiang,

      You can use an analysis group called 'grating_s_params" to calculate the phase of the grating order. But I believe it only works for one target grating order at a time. You may refer to this article for more information: Metamaterial S parameter extraction. I am not sure if there is a simpler alternative, but I will let you know if I find something.

      Is it possible to obtain its electric field through a monitor, and then set the angle of the corresponding plane to obtain the corresponding phase distribution?

      I am not sure if I understood this correctly. Would you be able to tell me which plane are you referring t when you say "set the angle of the corresponding plane to obtain the corresponding phase distribution".

      I would also like to point out that this channel (Ansys Optics) is meant for Zemax and Speos users. For Lumerical related questions, please feel free to post in Ansys Photonics Channel.


      • qiuxiang ouyang

        Dear Amrita, thank you very much for you answer!

        "Is it possible to obtain its electric field through a monitor, and then set the angle of the corresponding plane to obtain the corresponding phase distribution?"

         I means that in the monitor, when I visualize the 'E'  filed, and set the angle option,whether the result is the phase distribution that I want.



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