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How to install Twin Builder for HFSS?

    • nfathy


      I am trying to install Twin Builder for HFSS and I don't see any installer for Linux package (CentOS 7). There is no readme or PDF user guide and the link for help is not working as well: https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/prod_page.html?pn=Twin%20Builder&pid=TwinBuilder&lang=en&prodver=24.2

      I see these files only inside the extracted directory. Any advise is greatly appreciated.


      Nader Fathy

    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      Twin Builder PDFs

      Hi, Nader, 

      Here I shared the link of Twin Builder PDF version of help. Hope that would help. 


      You may want to file a case in the system if needed.



      Best regards,


    • nfathy

      Hi Rong,

      Thank you very much for helping out. I checked the documentation and find it confusing: On page 93, it says "While the majority of the Ansys Electromagnetics Suite applications and features are supported on both Windows and Linux platforms, some, including Twin Builder, are not supported on Linux. See the following topic for details: (Link doesn't open -> it points to a local windows html file)"

      However, we downloaded the package "TWINBUILDERLINUXREDISTRIBUTABLES_2024R2_LINX64.tgz" but the extracted directory tree (shown in the original post) does not contain any installation script. I am not sure how to install it.

      Our main purpose is to use Simplorer to run Cosimulation between Electrical and HFSS.

      I am unable to file a case  because I am under an academic accounts which can't file a case in the system.

      I look forward to your help and guidance.


      Nader Fathy

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