Process Integration and Design Optimization

Process Integration and Design Optimization

How to adjust design variables to get response values based on MOP model?

    • xiaokun hu


      I have 2 questions about the optislang post processing module.

      1、As shown in the figure, this is an example of a coupling function in the help document.In post-processing, what is the function of the slider in the lower left corner, I looked for the help document and did not find a description of its function.

      2、After creating a MOP model, it should be possible to quickly get a response value by adjusting the value of the design variable, but I didn't find this feature in the optislang post-processing module.However, in the DesignXplorer module,the corresponding design variable slider can be adjusted by fitting the response surface to get the corresponding value(spider chart).How can I implement this feature in optislang?

      Look forward to your reply!

      Best Regards!

    • Veit Bayer
      Ansys Employee

      Dear Xiaokun Hu,

      The sliders you mention are one possibility to serve your need. Humans cannot see or percept more than three dimension, hence the 3D plot is a projection from higher-D to 3D. With help of the sliders, you can set values for the axes which you do not see in the 3D plot. You can also select one design and click "Use current design values" to move the values "into" this design.

      Another option is the "Approximation design table" which you find in the list of Visuals (typically bottom right field of the application). Here you can exactly specify, import or sample values. Then select lines and use the pulldown button at bottom right of the window the get the metamodel results.



    • xiaokun hu

      Thank you very much for your answer!

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