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Topics related to Speos.

how can I match the loss derived by Eigensolver Analysis and sweep result?

    • juhee hwang

      I'm trying to extract the change in the loss value that appears as I control the width of the waveguide.

      The loss values derived by moving the width directly [object tree -> edit object] from the basic setting (boundary condition = PML) [run -> eigensolver analysis -> calculate mode],

      and the loss values derived by setting [sweep -> edit -> parameter waveguide width setting -> result] is markedly different.

      I think setting conditions are needed to match this, but I can't find it, so I'm asking you a question.

      I would appreciate it if you could let me know why the two loss values are derived differently and how I can match them.


      Thank you.

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Juhee,

      I assume you are using FDE to calculate the lossed in both cases (sweep and manually changing the parameters). Are you tracking the losses linked to a specific mode? If you are using the same simulation to do both, I don't think we should be seeing discrepancy. How different are they?


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