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Help generating flow path axial turbine blade with export points

    • yannickgeudens

      I am using Ansys Student CFX to analyse an axial tubeine stage. The blade geometry was made in CAD. I am trying to create a flow path according to this tutorial using Blade Editor in DM and export points to transfer it TurboGrid.

      When I try to do the sketch projection, the projection that lies generated does not go across the blade but remains just above it. I think because of that the flow path does not intersect the blade which results in an error when I try to export points. It does work when I turn the layers of in export points. Need some help to solve this problem

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee


      Check if the blade height is higher than the shroud-hub height. Ensure the blade height is taller than the shroud sketch line when viewed perpendicular to the xz plane. Blade surfaces should intersect the hub and shroud lines.

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