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Free decay in heave


    • lakshmik94

      I need to solve for finding free decay in heave of a free floating cylindrical strcuture. can someone help me in detailing the steps. 
      I am relatively new to AQWA 

    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee



      As an Ansys employee I can only give a limited amount of support in the Learning Forum, but the general steps you need to follow are:


      • Create the cylinder geometry in DesignModeler/SpaceClaim/Discovery, if you do not already have a geometry file;
      • Create the following workflow on the Workbench Project Schematic, using the cylinder geometry to define the Geometry cell:



      • Open the Aqwa Workbench editor, and define a Point Mass for the cylinder, plus a Connection Point (the location of this is not important);
      • Generate the Mesh, then set up and solve the Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis;
      • Change the Computation Type in the Hydrodynamic Response Analysis Settings from 'Stability Analysis' to 'Time Response Analysis';
      • Add a Starting Position to the Hydrodynamic Response analysis, with the Connection Point as the Reference Point, and set the Position Z to define the initial position of the cylinder;
      • Set up the other Hydrodynamic Response Analysis Settings as necessary (Duration will need to be increased), add a Structure Position result for the cylinder Global Z position, and Solve.


      You may consider adding a Morison Disc to the cylinder so that the viscous drag forces are also modelled.

      I hope this helps!



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