

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent-Static Structural one way coupling to study the FSI

    • Tepp

      Hello everyone,

      I want to analyze how fluid flow through a hot porous media affects the enclosing structure. The hot porous media is cooled by the flowing fluid. I want to study how repeated heating and cooling affects the enclosing restructure, more like replicating the effect of thermal shock on the structure. I am using one way coupling between fluent and static structural but it seems the static structural solver only uses the final temperature field at the end of the simulation from fluent to calculate the stress and deformation. Is there a way to collect the full temperature load cointaning the cooling and heating cycles to calculate the stress and deformation? Thank you in advance.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee


      While transferring the transient data to Mechanical, ensure that you have corresponding data files for fluent saved.

      Data from transient fluent can be sent to steady state or transient mechanical system. 

      In the Data View pane, associate the (Fluent) Source Time with the (Mechanical) Analysis Time. Multiple rows can be added to allow for time varying loads.

      Also, one can set Source Time to “All” to fill entire time history automatically.

      Hope this helps!


    • Tepp

      Thank you Sir. I followed the steps and imported the loads successfully. I however get the same of value of the sress for different heating and cooling cycles. Is it that fluent and mechanical can not be used to study how repeated heating and cooling affects the stress of the structure? I hoped to get an increase in the stress value as the number of heating and cooling cycles is increased.

    • Rahul
      Ansys Employee

      The Mechanical results will be calculated based on the load received from Fluent. Check if the results of fluent are correct.

    • Tepp

      The stress only increases if the time step is increased in fluent, it does not change for repeaded heating and cooling.

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