

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent Mesh – Multiple Fluid Domains

    • Lumko

      Hi, I am struggling to generate a mesh for a wet sump pumpstation case study.  There are three fluid domains: Inlet Flow, Pumped Outlet Flow, Flow in the Sump.  

      In Fluent Mesh, I get the the following errors: 

      1. overlapping faces shaing an edge
      2. The regions may not be computed correctly

      Is Fluent the correct platform for this study?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      Please check geometry in SpaceClaim. 
      Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM)
      The geometry should be error free to proceed. 
      If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places. 
      Once geometry is OK, please do share topology. You can find share topology information at following link: 
      Share topology in important operation before going to Fluent Meshing. If it is failing at some places, it may give errors in Fluent Meshing about surface intersection. 
      Now if share topology is successful and still you are getting errors in Fluent Meshing, then it could be due to insufficient sizing. Please make sure that you have applied correct sizing to capture different parts. You can find more information about sizing at following link. 
      Fluent Meshing Watertight Workflow:

      You can also check following videos


      DM Share topology:


      This video demonstrates how to use Shared Topology in DesignModeler 16.x to connect two or more bodies together to form a single, continuous body while preserving interfaces between them.


      Fluent Meshing Watertight Workflow:


      This video provides a walk-through of the Watertight Geometry Guided Meshing Workflow for Fluent. The workflow provides a way to import a watertight or \"clean\" CAD geometry, add optional local sizing, create a surface mesh, create fluid/solid regions, and generate a complete volume mesh in a step-by-step interface.

      Let me know if this helps. 





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